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Events » Fairs

Munich Fair (May 19-21, 2023)


This renowned manifestation of all the world's audio equipment manufacturers allowed us to expose SAEQ products to the real assessment of users and distributors and to establish new contacts.

The most interesting part is the listeners' direct reactions to the sound we present through our amplifiers and equipment. This allowed us to understand our real position in the domain of sound and final production. All these experiences give us inspiration to continue towards some set goal and to apply some new trends and experiences of others in the field of product presentation according to very to extremely positive reactions of listeners to the sound of our amplifiers.

We realized that our products were placed on a sound basis and that it was the sound that impressed our listeners. Those smiles of satisfaction are our further clear motivation in development.

We are honestly surprised by the unequivocal statements of experienced listeners who confirmed to us the high level of sound presentation of SAEQ amplifiers and the realism of the sound, which is what we are essentially aiming for. The most common comment was – this is so realistic-alive!! 

Our friends from RAAL & Requisite have enabled us to express the full sonic potential of our amplifiers with their superb headphones and at the same time have enabled us to make further contacts with new potential customers by passing on some of the further positioning experience they personally possess.

The very high possibility of presenting the amplifiers through the ultimate class of HIFIMAN-Suswara headphones gave additional seriousness to the presentation of our amplifiers.

Really a lot of interesting business contacts, which are all the result of a very good presentation of the sound of our equipments.